And in a thousand years
You are The Brightest Light
And Purest Love

Yulia Azorkina
I’ve met her during a wedding in Como, she was helping with flower decorations and drawing portraits of the guests after. Everyone wanted a small portrait made by her. She was drawing till deep dark, non stop, with love and patience. This made me respect her immediatly. She was full of love and light and creativity and sensibility. She was special, i thought she would have made something greate and important for this world. And now i underdtand that her presence were great and important. She was a pure spring of love ready to embrace the whole world and every creature of it. She will remain in the heart of all people who she has met to become a source of force and energy. i still have a small portrait of myself made by her and i keep it as a precios thing, my window to an eternal universal love. Thank you my friend and rest in peace.

Cara Nadi,
è difficile trovare le parole..
Mi manca la tua luce, la tua vicinanza e il tuo modo di cercare strade diverse. Strade inesplorate, immaginate per illuminare tutto il mondo.
Ho avuto la grandissima fortuna di incrociare la tua strada e di percorrerne un pezzettino insieme a te, ascoltandoti, imparando e cercando di capire, di sentire.
Mi hai lasciato tantissimo, Nadi, te ne sarò sempre immensamente grata e ti porterò sempre con me (insieme ai bellissimi elefanti che hai disegnato per me :) ).
Non so come, dove e quando ma in qualche modo ci rincontreremo, Nadi ❤ ciao tesoro ❤

Nadia, I love you. You live in our hearts as if you never left.

Happy birthday to our beautiful Nadia! You are definitely missed! We will always remember the love, laughter, and light you shared with us.

I met Nadia when she arrived at Rondine.
I spent time with her and the other guys at Cittadella and also during some daily trip.
As all Rondine people she was special. Extremely clever and with a great soul, she express the connextion with earth and different cultures in the dress that she design.
She asked me to take some portraits and she was the last person I portraited in Rondine. I still remember that day, there was a great empathy and I was really satisfied about the results. I know she was as well.
I'll always bring the memories of her with me

Kind Nadiushka
Nadia was a friend of mine in Rondine. During the year we studied together in Italy, she painted me, and we had few interesting talks, most of them about religion, beliefs, and love.
Nadiushka was older than me, and I listened to her thoughts with much respect and interest, as I had quite a sympathy for her and admired her joyful nature. It was me who shared more, and she listened, and advised me about various things I was going through.
She gave me good advices about love, life, and how to protect oneself from being hurt, and how not to hurt others that we love.
Few years after the studies, I've met her again in Italy, and we had a long discussion by the pool of the hotel, late in the night. It was the first time we talked in a much deeper sense, for the same topics that we always did. This time, she told me more, and I listened more. She told me about her life in Venice, her encounters and her people that she was staying with. I, as a conservative Muslim, listened and felt deeply with her; and expressed my empathy, and wishes of strength to move on; for her, and for me, as we both were having difficulties in life.
After that night, we have not seen each other again. But we saluted each other warmly and friendly, with hopes to continue the talk.
I strongly believe, that all souls continue to live after we die on earthy bodies. I pray to God, that her soul will be saved and rewarded with a good afterlife, and all her struggles and difficulties in this world may serve to cleanse her white heart.
May Allah forgive us all, and unite us in the Gardens of Jannah.
Photo ( April 29, 2016)

Sabrina Mukarker Zeidan
You are deeply loved.. your beautiful energy is always with us as a family and always with us as your friends ❤
thank you for all the beauty you gave to everyone around you.. it hurts so bad knowing that you are forever gone.. but i'm sure your soul is free and has found the right place.
i love you hbibtyyyyyy Nadia ❤
you are always in our hearts and minds

Sonali Chakraborty
তুমি ছিলে আমার দেখা আস্ত এক প্রেমের কবিতা, তুমি ছিলে স্বর্গের এক পরী| আমরা একসঙ্গে স্বপ্ন দেখেছি কত কাজ করার সব স্বপ্নই হয়ে রইল| তোমার পাগলামো, ছেলেমানুষি, তোমার অতুলনীয় শিল্পবোধ, জীবনদর্শন ও সৃষ্টিরা আমাকে আছন্ন করে| আমি জানি ইন্ডিয়া আসলে তুমি মানসিক ভাবে অনেক শান্তি পেতে তুমি অনেক স্বপ্ন দেখেছিলে এই দেশ নিয়ে | তোমার অফুরান প্রাণশক্তি আর অশেষ ভালবাসায় তুমি হয়ে উঠেছিলে অনন্যা | আমাদের অনেক কথা অনেক কাজ বাকি থেকে গেল | যে না ফেরার দেশে গেলে সেখানে তোমার অনন্ত ছবি এঁকে চলা, কবিতা লেখা আর তোমার বোনা পোশাকের রেশমি সুতোর ফোঁড়ে তুমি অক্ষয় থাকো, পরমানন্দে থাকো | মেঘেদের দেশে তোমার অপূর্ব স্বর্গীয় নাচ তোমার তোলা ছবির মতই শাশ্বত হয়ে উঠুক | আমাদের ভেনিসে কাটানো উল্লাসের মুহূর্তগুলো আমাদের সম্পদ | আর কী কোথাও কোনদিনও আমাদের দেখা হবে না প্রিয় সখি ?
Ora Nadia. To me you were like a beautiful poem ❤️, a fairy from heaven. We had always dreamt of working together. I had always been a huge fan of yours, your craziness, your silliness, your subtle sense of art🌼, your view of life and your art. Those were all what made you, who you were. I know India could have given you more peace, you had so many dreams with this country. Dreams that faded away so easily. With your liveliness and warmth you were always beautiful.
You left too early my friend, leaving behind so much. We had so much to do together, so many stories unshared, words that were left unsaid. But my friend you are still alive in your creation. You still are alive and immortalised through your painting, through your poems, your pictures, on the fabric of your clothes.
Hope you find peace where you are.
May your dance in heaven become immortalised like your pictures.
Those beautiful memories of Venice are my treasure that I will cherish forever. I look back and see those beautiful moments that we shared together. My heart ache for you, my friend.

Alessandro Fiorani
Nadia cara, Angelo che sei passato in questa vita terrena per donare infinita luce e calore a tutte le persone e esseri che hanno avuto il privilegio di incontrarti durante il tuo instancabile percorso di vita.
Ricordo come ora le particolari circostanze, il magico luogo e momento in cui ci siamo conosciuti. Anche se in tutto ci siamo frequentati per circa due giorni, nell’aver condiviso assieme quei preziosi semplici momenti mi hai lasciato una immensa luce e calore che ancora oggi percepisco e mai dimenticherò. Un affettuoso abbraccio di luce e amore.

Vanessa Victoria
Gracias por está bella experiencia, ora tu me hiciste sentir la mujer más hermosa del mundo ese día 😍😍😍😍 siempre soñe volver a Venecia para verte otra vez, y volverte abrazar, ahora te pienso como ese ser maravilloso, nos conocimos por unos días, para nunca más mi corazón olvidarte, asi querida ora, eres Inolvidable. gracias por tantas emociones bellas que viví gracias a ti nos quedo pendiente el retrato del Alma, pero estoy segura que coincidiremos en otras vidas