"OR" in Hebrew - עור - "Skin".
"habitus" - the ancient
philosophical concept - is not
only a communication form,
a weather protection,
a connection with people and places...
It is also
a challenge to recreate habits,
a care for environment,
a cure for the soul.
ORA aims at unite the material
and immaterial worlds by creating
clothing, developing new eco-sustainable materials.
Inspiring new habits,
creating a peaceful home for the body.

Write your pray on my skin, write it on my body, with fire on my soul...
indelible words that I will keep forever.
An ancient tradition that seeks to harmonise man with nature tells that it is necessary to write by hand spiritual texts on the skin of a dead animal to heal his soul from suffering and set his spirit free.
text in Arabic from the book "The Prophet" Kahlil Gibran.

clothes area

Clothes ORA
90 min | Donation 60 €
Design and Develop clothing garment or accessories made with "ORASCOPE" methodology fulfilling the needs of the soul trough studies of shapes, colours and materials.
Clothes can be done everywhere.

Clothing Atelier
120 min | Donation 300 €
Design, Develop and production of clothing garment or accessories made with "ORASCOPE" methodology fulfilling the needs of the soul trough studies of shapes, colours and materials.
The price not include fabrics and production.
Clothes can be done everywhere.

Portrait and Dress experience
300 min | Donations 380 €
Painting the Portrait, Conception and production of the garment. Know-how to dress and move within it.
Clothes can be done everywhere.

60 min | Donation 50 €
The workshop is based on the research named "ORASCOPE", for any age and level.
Sharing the vision: "clothes make the monk" - the influence and the interaction of the material and immaterial wolds.
The dress is our second skin, and it can change ourself , people around us and the environment.
Teaching can be done anywhere.